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Robot Beroda Perambat Dinding Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATmega 2560 Dilengkapi Kendali Nirkabel dan Penghindar Rintangan

Wheeled Wall Climbing Robot using ATmega 2560 Microcontroller with Wireless Control and Obstacles Avoidance

Department of Computer Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Received: 20 Dec 2016; Published: 30 Apr 2017.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer under

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This research developed a mobile wall climbing robot prototype using 4 DC motors as its driver and a suction tube. It can avoid obstacles. This robot uses Arduino Mega 2560 as its controller board. The robot's weight is 747 grams. The suction tube produces a suction force of 7.815N capable of holding the robot load in a stall vertical position using 12V of voltage. The robot able to crawl down and horizontal, but still can not climb vertically. The robot is able to receive a command of motion manually from a 2.4GHz wireless joystick. In automatic mode, the robot can avoid obstacles using the HC-SR04 proximity sensor. This research also shows the relationship between suction force and the given voltage of DC brushless motor and its throttle value.

Keywords: wall climbing robot; Arduino ATmega 2560; wireless control; suction tube; suction force

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