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Journal Profile
Last update: 31 January 2022
Number of documents (2019-2021): 109 
Citations in 2022 (2019-2021): 1798
IF GS (2022): 1798/109 = 16.50
Total citations/docs (all years) = 2359/354
h-Index: 22, i10-Index: 71, g-Index: 32
Google Scholar URL: Click here
SINTA: Grade 2 (S2)
Scopus: Journal citedness | Secondary doc
Dimensions: Citations indicator

Journal History

The history of Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer (JTSiskom) is as follows (sorted from the latest):
  • Beginning in 2021, the author(s) retain all their rights to the published works. See our copyright policy. This implicates changes in journal style, especially in the article footer. 
  • Since Volume 8 Number 1 Year 2020, JTSiskom manuscripts conform with proper SI usage (International System of Units) and the basic principles concerning quantities and units, including % (percentage) and the degree of temperature that shall be preceded by a space.  
  • Since Volume 7 Number 4 Year 2019, the article style has been revised in the title section, chapter and subchapter title, and references section. The title uses a sentence case instead of a title case, a chapter and subchapter title, and a title field in references. References include a DOI field if available. 
  • Since Volume 6 Number 4 Year 2018, the article style has been revised to insert English title in Indonesian article full-text.
  • Since Volume 6 (2018), JTSiskom did not accept manuscripts on game programming and information systems engineering. The authors should review the scope of JTSiskom found in
  • Beginning from Volume 5 Number 4 Year 2017, JTSiskom's article style has been revised by adding citation information in articles with IEEE format so readers can properly cite the article. In addition, the paragraph indent format changes to 0.2".
  • Beginning from Volume 5 (2017), the publication schedule of issue number 3 changed to July,  so JTSiskom published quarterly, i.e., in January, April, July, and October.
  • Beginning from Volume 4 Number 4 Year 2016, JTSiskom's manuscript style has been revised, including the article heading and the abstract, which uses both Indonesian and English. This change is made to have the manuscript information, including the received, revised, and acceptance date, in the article. View [template article]
  • Since May 2016, the JTSiskom site has been moved from to This change aims to raise the journal's status to become a national journal and enable inclusion in Google Scholar.