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Sistem Cerdas Penentuan Lokasi Parkir pada Area Kampus Menggunakan Fuzzy Logic Berbasis Internet of Things

Intelligent System for Determining Parking Locations in Campus Areas Using Fuzzy Logic Based on Internet of Things

1Department of Computer Engineering, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia

2Department of Mathematics, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia

Received: 21 Nov 2019; Revised: 23 Apr 2019; Accepted: 29 Apr 2019; Available online: 16 Jul 2019; Published: 30 Apr 2019.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2019 Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Citation Format:
The increasing use of vehicles at campus locations makes it more difficult to find an empty parking lot. This paper develops a system for determining parking locations on campus areas using cloud-based fuzzy logic and Internet of Things (IoT). NFC is used to confirm the order code of the location that has been generated by the system. At the parking location, a sensor is installed to detect parking availability. The concept of IoT has been applied to build this system. Applications on smartphone devices are used for reservations at desired parking locations via the internet. The results show that the system has been able to detect the location of empty parking lots and make reservations in the Andalas University campus environment. The application of fuzzy logic has succeeded in obtaining parking location sequences based on distance and total capacity to find the best parking location.
Keywords: smart parking; NFC; smart campus; IoT; fuzzy logic
Funding: Universitas Andalas, Program Penelitan Dosen Pemula Tahun 2018, Nomor 18/UN.16.17/ PP.RDP/LPPM/2018

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