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Aplikasi Pemantau Perangkat Jaringan Berbasis Web Menggunakan Protokol SNMP dan Notifikasi SMS

Web-based Network Monitoring Tools Using SNMP Protocol and SMS Notification

Department of Computer Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Received: 22 Jan 2017; Published: 30 Apr 2017.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer under

Citation Format:

Device monitoring tool on a computer network is required by the administrator to perform management of the device. This research produces web applications using PHP that is capable of monitoring and collecting device information on the network. This app uses SNMP and Syslog protocols to perform monitoring on the device. Device information will be collected on the monitor server and displayed in web-based applications. This app using crontab to be able to monitor every minute. This application can also send a warning message in the form of SMS and email to the administrator when an error occurs on the device so that handling is expected to be faster done. This web application can make it easier for administrators to monitor devices anywhere.

Keywords: network monitoring; sms notification; SNMP; crontab; syslog

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