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Sistem Parkir Berbasis RFID dan Pengenalan Citra Pelat Nomor Kendaraan

RFID Based Parking System and Vehicle Plate Number Image Recognition

1Department of Computer Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

2Program Studi Sistem Komputer, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

Received: 10 Mar 2017; Published: 31 Jul 2017.
Open Access Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Komputer under

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The length of time in manually recording vehicle license plates in the parking system leads to long vehicle queues. This research developed automatic parking system based on RFID and vehicle plate number recognition. Authentication used a camera and Arduino Uno as the controller for RFID reading, feedback and gatekeeper control. The system will compare the character's image and RFID in the record of the database to authorize a vehicle. Image processing was done by contour analysis method and had 91% in accuracy at 60 cm of distance and 131.89 milliseconds of reading speed. The system had been able to work to automatically open and close gates based on the match of RFID and vehicle plate number recognition.

Keywords: contour analysis; Arduino Uno; vehicle plate recognition; automated parking system; RFID system

Article Metrics:

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